Optimization and Purification of Keratinase from Bacillus anthracis with Dehairing Application

Manoj Kumar, Divya Bhatia, Sunita Khatak, Rajesh Kumar, Archit Sharma and Deepak Kumar Malik*

Article: 5424 |   Pages: 585-590

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Clinical and Seroprevalence of Beta Haemolytic Streptococci in South India

Vidyavathi B. Chitharagi1, Kavana B.S.1, Morubagal Raghavendra Rao1*,Ranjitha S. Gowda1, Rashmi P. Mahale1, Sowmya G.S.1 and Anitha T.K.2

Article: 5530 |   Pages: 581-584

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Anti Angiogenic Activity of Carica papaya Leaf Extract

Nidhi Tayal, Priyansh Srivastava and Nidhi Srivastava*

Article: 5441 |   Pages: 567-571

Abstract  |  Full Text  |  PDF  |  XML 
